Dungeon (2)

Gerald - Lv 140

HP: 1255/1255

MP: 215/215

SP: 860/860

Strength: 429

Speed: 298

Magic: 40

Endurance: 378

Dexterity: 115

Status Points: 00

Skills: Brandish Lv 71, War Cry Lv 42, Stunning Strike Lv 35


Passive: Language Skill Lv 63, Swordsmanship Lv 85, Archery Lv 27 (+ 02), Quick Sword Lv 49 (+ 03), Block Mastery Lv 45

Skill Points: 00

"Guild master Gerald, it has been a while," Pierre said. "I take it you received my letter."

"Yes, you really brought quite the group here, but they… young?" Gerald said while looking at Billy.

"Oh, boy… I wonder when I will have my growth spurt," Billy wondered.

"They participated in that mission that I mentioned, so they have skills beyond their age,"