Dungeon (10)

The first one to move had been Alexander, followed by Natalie. They swung their weapons toward the monster's eyes, but the creature raised its front paws to block their attack. Much to their surprise, the beast didn't even flinch.

"What the…" Natalie frowned.

Despite the surprise, those two stepped backward because it was the backline's turn to attack. While she still had some room for improvement, Kate fired her two knives while making both of them spin at the same time… that was something that not even Billy tried yet. Still, the monster blocked her knives, and they broke into pieces.

Lily fired one of her real arrows and enhanced it with wind magic. The projectile pierced the paw of the monster quite a bit and made some blood gush out. It was clear that an attack of that level could pierce the monster's skull, but hitting it will be hard.

"Use fire magic, but don't use big attacks. Use the concentrated ones," Billy said to Kate.