Consequences (2)

"I never saw your people with things like rings…" Lily frowned.

"Well, we hid them and their existence when we came to this town," Sarah explained. "We didn't know how life would be here, so we need some countermeasures. Besides, we didn't have many of those. A friend of mine has a knife that burns everything when she thinks about it."

Those magic items were different from the ones Billy saw during his travels. The ones he saw had passive effects, but those had active ones… the first inhabitants of that region created them? It was kind of magic that they still could work after such a long time. Still, to think that there were magic tools that could simulate magic in that world…

"If an advanced society created those… it might not be a good idea to think of developing them, maybe they went extinct because of that," Billy thought.

"Exploration outside a dungeon… that seems like fun," Kate smiled excitedly.