Hardships (2)

Cold Golem - Lv 82

HP: 525/ 525

MP: 525/ 525

SP: 122/ 122

Strength: 144

Speed: 55

Magic: 144

Endurance: 68

Dexterity: 85

Status Points: 00

Skills: Body Slam Lv 35

Spells: Water Arrow Lv 52, Cold Aura Lv 45

Passive: Earth Resistance Lv 17, Fire Resistance Lv 65, Wind Resistance Lv 72, Cold Resistance Lv 102

Skill Points: 00

Although Billy already knew everything about the cold Golems, he still used Appraisal on them while searching for some clues as to how to defeat them more efficiently. On the next battle, he paid attention to their status while Natalie and Alexander were fighting them and noticed that their health was decreasing with each strike. Still, it was also recovering pretty fast… on the other hand, their mana was decreasing.