Help (9)

"Well, this dungeon caused no small amount of trouble, so let's kick the ass of the guardian and go home spend the money that we will earn," Billy said when they were leaving the inn the next day. "That is what I would like to say… but let's proceed with caution. To avoid problems, Let's also hear what Marie has to say about the guardian."

"I wonder what I should do… while never demanded respect, you always treated me pretty harshly," Marie said. "And now you come to me asking for a favor…"

"Well, we can always return home right now," Billy said. "We didn't clear the dungeon, but we killed dozens of thousands of monsters. We can return home with our heads high for doing that much."

"You don't know how to take a joke, don't you?" Marie asked and then let out a sigh. "What a boring kid you are."