To the rescue (10)

Billy didn't know much about the history of wars on Earth. Even if he had read some books about it, he would doubt if those facts were true. After all, the winners are the ones who write the history books. And more recently, all wars have two sides, the winners write things as they see fit, full of bravery and brilliant individuals. While the losers write that they fought bravely against the devils that used all kinds of cheap tactics against them and committed all kinds of atrocities. Both of them wrote what they wanted to hear what they wanted from future generations.

"Maybe is because of that I never got interested in reading history books…" Billy thought. "Oh well, too late to think about that. Let's focus on what I can do now."

Billy - Lv 80 5550/19.000 EXP

HP: 422/ 422

MP: 765/ 765

SP: 405/ 405

Strength: 161

Speed: 144

Magic: 255

Endurance: 80

Dexterity: 62

Status Points: 70