Decision (9)

Billy sighed… his father was in the middle of his thirties, and while people in that world aged a lot slower than Earth, he wished that he stayed away from the front lines. It would be better if his skills were only used to protect the twins since they couldn't protect themselves right now.

"Aside from twenty gold coins as a payment, how about some residences in my capital?" Jean asked. "It would make things easier for all of you to move around that way. Life would become a lot easier there. Although I can't deny that it is a bit expensive."

Billy furrowed his eyebrows… at that point in time, they couldn't ignore the things that happened in his territory. Still, it seemed that he wanted their help even faster than usual. However, that didn't seem like a bad idea. Billy was already sixteen, and there was his issue about marrying Kate and Natalie. Since that wasn't normal back home, it would be better if they lived somewhere else.