Withdrawal (6)

Kate and Natalie seemed a bit surprised, but they understood why Billy decided that so suddenly. While they didn't have to hurry up because they could relax for a while after the war, they had to consider many other things now that their roles in those states increased in amount and importance.

The idea of a honeymoon didn't exist in that world, and since their home was in another city, they would have to wait for a while before consummating everything, but then Billy realized that it would be for the best. After all, his nightlife will become busy, and those two will have to take turns. So, once they are at home, one of them just will have to wait for a day… or a few hours if they were really looking forward to it.

"Ah… the problems of popular guys," Billy thought. "Putting the jokes aside, I should prepare my ears because I can see some individuals complaining about this."