Fear (2)

Billy and the barbarians kept digging the tunnels, but Pierre was wondering what he should do to help while they were doing that. Just making an escape route wouldn't work for those places that had thousands of people… they would need something more.

Thanks to that, on the very same day the tunnel to the first town was completed, Billy saw an unexpected visitor appearing. It was Rosalie and her servants… she had grown a lot since the last time he saw her, and she looked more confident, but she still was showing a stiff smile when she saw Billy.

"It has been a while, and I have come to help," Rosalie said.

"You don't need to pretend that you aren't scared of me," Billy said and then pointed to the barbarians behind him. "I can handle that, but these guys will find it annoying if you look at them like they are unknown creatures. In any case, I suppose this is your problem as well… Still, why didn't you warn me beforehand, Pierre?"