Invitation (5)

Maybe Billy got lucky with that number because he was the first of his friends to be called on the ring, and that happened in the afternoon of that day. Even though things were happening much faster than expected, he still was bored out of his mind. There were some fights that ended with a single punch, but he couldn't pay attention to all of those. Instead of that, he tried to look for his family in the audience. Even if they probably won't remember that event in the future, Billy wanted to look cool in front of his kids. Unfortunately, he didn't find them among the fifty thousand people watching the event. That made him feel a bit regretful, Hector probably wouldn't react to him, but Christina would.

"Well, I will have a good view from the ring, so I can use that chance," Billy thought while he was walking toward it. "The other guy don't seem like someone who would pose a problem, so I guess it is fine."