Unknown (4)

After tending his wounds, Billy went to grab some pills from the hideout of his magic cart and then give it to Svan. While his health will get full almost instantly, his broken bones would need a night to heal completely. Things got a bit awkward since Ilfa answered the door, and Svan was resting on his bed, with his sides bandaged… just like before. Marie was there with him, and just like before, they were drinking.

"Excuse me… I brought some medicine to your father," Billy said.

"Wounding someone and then offering medicine?" Ilfa said. "If you do that to anyone else in these lands, you will be picking a fight."

"Lucky me that your family is a bit more understanding than that," Billy said and then entered. "I suppose alcohol is good to decrease the pain, but if you decrease it too much, your body will think that you don't need to heal."

"We are getting old, Svan… the kid defeated us and is treating us like mummies already," Marie said.