Absolute power (9)

From what he saw, Galatea followers sent their mana toward the wound. That was the only thing that he learned. They were quite impressive. They could even heal wounds without touching the target… Billy wanted to learn that no matter what. However, to heal an injury, he had to get hurt first. So, he waited until everyone went to sleep, and he cut his forearm a little bit with his spear. It has been a while since he did something like that, but in the end, it didn't bother him much, it was normal by that point.

Using his right hand, Billy touched the wound and sent some of his mana, just like he does when he uses his power to level up things, but nothing happened. Billy tried to pull the flesh like stitching a wound, but it didn't work either. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, but not having any ideas was bothering him already. Billy tried to increase the output of mana, but that didn't work either… Just being a brute wasn't enough.