Vengeance (1)

In the end, even though he wasn't slacking off on his training, Drew decided that he should go train inside the dungeons with Samuel and Samara. Since those three were going, Anna and Camilla were going too, to prevent problems from arising. They also feel the need to improve their skills lately, so that opportunity came at a good time. The twins might not like that much since they were at that age, though.

"Grandma, I learned something that can be very useful in your line of work," Billy said. "I want to teach you that, you will have to be careful of its use. I learned this from Galatea followers without letting them notice that."

"How did you know the skills that are basically their hidden secret without letting them notice?" Anna asked while frowning. "Well, it is you we are talking about, so I guess it makes sense."

"Since everyone is going to the dungeon, you can stay with us while I teach you the spells," Billy said. "When can I pick you all?"