Titan (1)

When the second group of fire Golems got close enough to bombard the area with fire bullets, the first group had been annihilated. Still, the adventurers guarding the entrance to Aura's territory were pretty exhausted. It seemed that they had been fighting that first group for quite a while… The twins were also a bit tired, more because of the tension than anything.

"We can't retreat here… Even if he could ignore the damage to the farm lands, other monsters still are out there and we need to deal with them as well," Billy thought.

Billy had to be more deadly. Since other groups were to come, he needed to get some time to prepare the terrain for them… With that in mind, he had an idea.

"Go join those guy and focus on bombarding the enemies with ice magic," Billy said. "It is fine if you can only slow them down. I will attack them from behind to divide their attention."

"But… Ah, we need to focus on helping the adventurers survive, right?" Samuel asked.