Titan (4)

To defeat the fire Golems and their troublesome area of effect ability that was born and they were together, there was only one way to deal with it… Get as close as possible and attack with ice magic. Thanks to that, Billy's attacks weren't losing power and even the twins bolts were slowing down the enemies approach. However, they felt like they were in hell due to that heat. To make things even more complicated, the bodies of the Golems still emitted a lot of head after they died… to counter that, Billy used Niflheim, but the spell barely could give them ten seconds of relief. So, he had to keep casting the spell over and over again, while he also was firing ice spheres toward the fire Golems heads.

"Billy, i think…" Samuel said while looking around and noticed that the enemies had completely surrounded them.

"Shut up, idiot," Samara said. "You will mess with his pace and focus."