Titan (7)

"I guess we are finished with all the monsters that moved past the capital. It is time to join Sarah and Kate, right?" Alexander asked.

That question was directed to Billy, but since he was so deep in thought, he didn't hear it. He stayed like that for the past week, and even his siblings found that weird. Billy didn't seem the type that would worry about anything for so long. All of them thought that he could solve most problems pretty fast. Usually, he doesn't let the others realize when he is worried about something, but it was hard to hide in that situation. In any case, that didn't surprise his enemies, since it only seemed like he was working seriously.

"What is wrong, Billy?" Natalie asked. "You didn't act like usual lately. You don't complain about the job, or how about you want to be at home playing with Hector and Christina, and you stayed too quiet for too long."