Return (3)

In the end, it took two weeks for Billy to return home, but at least he had a good training session while pushing the massive cargo. He also made quite the scene when he approached, and then some guards saw that, but then he disappeared into one of his tunnels.

In any case, Billy began to relax since he was back home, and then he began to feel his body getting heavier. The tension left him, and he finally realized that his whole body hurt like hell. Although it was mid-afternoon, no one was at home, so after cleaning himself, Billy fell asleep and then only woke up on the night of the next day when he felt someone pulling his cheek.

"Let papa sleep a little more, Christina," Billy said.

"No! Let's play, papa!" Christina said.

"All right, let's play the statue game. You have to stop moving for as long as possible," Billy said.