He is back (2)

When Billy reached the border, he found quite the scene taking place there. He saw two types of monsters. Some giant crows that were firing explosive projectiles from the sky and some hairy moles underground occasionally rose to the surface and attacked the soldiers who were too focused on the sky. It was almost the same strategy that the summoner deployed before. So, he couldn't help but be confused.

Fire Crow - Lv 150

HP: 800/ 800

MP: 1250/ 1250

SP: 456/ 456

Strength: 237

Speed: 134

Magic: 537

Endurance: 220

Dexterity: 256

Status Points:00

Skills: Bite Lv 50

Spells: Explosive Feather Lv 125

Passive: Fire Resistance Lv 250, Heat Resistance Lv 250, Cold Resistance Lv 50, Wind Resistance Lv 110, Earth Resistance Lv 60,

Skill Points: 00

Giant Mole - Lv 150

HP: 1259/ 1259

MP: 1259/ 1259

SP: 345/ 345

Strength: 356

Speed: 77

Magic: 712

Endurance: 356

Dexterity: 84

Status Points:00

Skills: Iron Claws Lv 110

Spells: Earth Manipulation Lv 170