Payback (5)

After seeing that happen several times, Billy understood what was going on. It was kind of hard to believe, but Icarus was running in the air. How was he doing that? He was probably running and kicking the air so fast that he couldn't fall after jumping once. What Billy couldn't understand was why he wasn't using his knife, and instead of that, he was punching the enemy. After a while, he also came up with an explanation for that… The knife probably wouldn't last that long with the friction his body was withstanding in his hands. His speed could become troublesome like that sometimes... after all, only the things that truly were part of his body received his protection and unlike clothes, a weapon was too long to be able to have that protection. Still, he was causing some serious damage...

"Since he falls soon after, I suppose he can't make that and attack at the same time…" Billy thought.