Influence (1)

Billy decided to explore the areas beyond the mountain, and he found another village there as well. This time, the demi-humans had some wings on their backs that Billy recalled doves. They also had some pretty sharp and long nails, and it seemed that they used those to fight since some of them had their claws dirty with blood.

Billy decided to fly high to check the entire area, and he confirmed that such a tribe was the only one there. Billy only found another group after finding another lake…

"It seems they use those landmarks as division between their territories," Billy thought. "It won't surprise me if they fight and start a big battle just by finding strangers on their lands. Despite that, there are no signs of cultivation fields or other constructions aside from their homes… It seems that they don't think that they can improve their lives, or perhaps it isn't worth the hassle since they might be attacked at any moment."