Understanding (2)

"I see… you found her and reach an agreement to get the relics back," Kate asked. "She seems like someone reasonable, but what do you think of her? I think she agreed to this pretty fast knowing that she doesn't know you."

As soon as he returned home, Billy gave his wives the news. Now it was getting troublesome to keep Icarus and Lucyna's existence hidden, but it couldn't be helped since Billy didn't want to involve them in a war caused by people like him.

"She probably wants to test how we can help her for the time being," Billy replied. "Her people and she don't seem to be in a good spot… since she didn't use the relics to fight against the most troublesome enemy yet. Regardless, at least I think she doesn't have plans of conquering that whole continent."

"Are we going to stay on standby for even longer?" Natalie asked.