Power up (3)

After a couple of hours, Icarus, Lucyna, and Meryl got used to the dizziness that they were filling now and then. Around the same time, the number of tyrants spawning behind them began to decrease, and Billy confirmed that their actions were finally overpowering the strength of the dungeon core. Still, things weren't so good because he couldn't use his drones to scout ahead. So, they were wasting some time finding dead ends… it was really annoying, but it couldn't be helped. Besides, due to the mana level around, Billy couldn't use Mana Domain to check things with precision, he would need a lot more to check that and it would be a waste when he had to fight so much against those beasts already... he had to come up with another method and that was kind of a challenge.

"The frequency of tremors is decreasing… The Manipulator probably has realized by now that we can also hunt as fast as him," Meryl said.