Hydra (2)

When their preparations were finished, Billy was the first one to fall as fast as he could using Telekinesis. When he touched the ground, even before the first hydra could notice him, Billy's Mana Constructs Spears hit the head of the nearest enemy while spinning violently. He knew that he was going to face some resistance, but not that much…

"That is what I get from trying to save energy for the long run…" Billy thought and then increased his speed by three times.

All of a sudden, the spears began to spin a lot faster and the monster started to gush from the wounds of the first hydra. The monster contorted in pain, but it was unable to make a lot of noise due to the pain in its head, so not many monsters were warned of Billy's arrival. The beast eventually died, but soon, three others hydras noticed Billy's presence and readied their heads to attack.

You obtained 10.000 experience points.

The skill Mana Constructs obtained 5.000 experience points.