Not so troublesome spirit (1)

Although he started things on the wrong foot, Alessandro wasn't a bad guy. Once Billy pointed out that he couldn't look at his wives for more than half a second, he stopped that. Still, he was annoying, and first impressions are the ones who stay the longest.

Billy wondered if beating the crap out of someone who looks too much at his wives would be unreasonable, was him being possessive? He at least thought that he had to act a bit concerned since his wives always pulled his ear when he stayed for too long close to other women. That was the law of absolute exchange, so he thought that it was fine as long as he was careful about it. He shouldn't set a bad example of his kids either...

He had that natural air of youth and charisma that some women like, so Billy felt that was another reason for him to dislike him. Nevertheless, he took him for a tour around the city while the others were unpacking their camping gear.