Annoying trio

Once Billy realized that he stopped moving and sending mana to his brain. It took a short while, but eventually, he was back to normal. That was a good thing, but it was just the start of a bigger problem.

"Show yourselves; I know that you are here," Billy said. "You no longer can hide from me, spirits."

"You have finally realized this?"

"Took you long enough, human."

"As someone who had our powers once, you certainly are slow. No wonder you fell so easily for Uvish's trap."

Billy heard the voice of three different spirits. As expected, that tower probably had been built by them. Considering that Billy's notion of time had deviated, it wouldn't surprise him if they were in a place not bound by space and time. That would explain how he never reached the top of the tower.

"Your friends sent me here. I demand to be sent back to that world," Billy said.

"You demand?"