
Around one day had passed since the rulers had been defeated, and since then, no other rulers or enemies from other planets had come to that planet. After checking things using Billy's telescope, everyone saw the enemy planets moving away.

During that time, Uvish and Billy's friends worked together to exterminate the enemy's invaders. They couldn't do much without anyone to lead them aside from being slaughtered. Hundreds of thousands died in a single day, but many more scattered across the area, and hunting them will be a pain. However, the war was pretty much won.

"It seems that we won this time," Meryl said. "Still, Uvish had yet to show up, and we can't drop out guard until we deal with that asshole… Oops, I am starting to talk like Billy."

"... Yes, you are," Uvish said while showing a frozen smile.

"You must be tired since you have been working for so long. It can't be helped that such a smile is creeping me out," Meryl said.