No way

Uvish knew that Billy would attack one of his sides again since attacking the back would make him closer to the tail, and attacking the front would make him an easy target for the claws or even a headbutt. Also, just as Uvish had expected, Billy appeared on the opposite side of the wound.

When that happened, he created a massive gravitational field that made everything around them sink deep into the ground. Even Billy fell to his knees instantly while he felt his bones cracking, but he won't need to get closer this time.

Billy had never tried that before, but he quickly created a sphere of water mixed with oxygen and Sulfur. After adding a bit of Time Skip's power, a sphere of acid was formed, and he fired toward the enemy. The attack had been so effective that Billy frowned when he saw a hole of the same size as the sphere on the enemy's body.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Uvish screamed from the bottom of his soul.