Enemy's doubts

Before he could move too far away, Uvish kicked Billy in the stomach and sent him down even faster. The land began to split thanks to the impact… they were also destroying that world, but Billy didn't have much room to think about that. He got up while vomiting some blood…

Billy had some ideas in that situation, but most of them were too dangerous and would cost too much mana. To make things as efficient as possible, Billy decides to combine the latest skills he developed and then improve them.

When Uvish approached to attack him again, Billy grabbed the enemy's claw with his right hand and stopped the attack. Uvish saw his claw crumbling away to dust for some reason, and then, with his other hand, Billy punched him… his fist easily passed through the husk that protected his body and pierced his stomach a bit as well. For some odd reason, Billy stopped there, and just like him, Uvish saw him with a pained expression on his face.