Chapter 1: The First Encounter 17 Years Ago

"They're gonna be best friends" Sheryl said to her bestfriend Catherine while they both look at their babies in hand. "maybe more, when they get older" replies Catherine.

Today July 23 2017

"we're home baby" shouts Dustin as he entered his family mansion along with his twin brother Justin, his cousin Jacob and Jacob's bestfriend Jonathon aka Johnnny.

"how was the trip boys, had fun?" their grandfather Xander James asked as he approached the boys slowly descending the stairs.

"was good until Jacob here went radio silent on all our asses because some girl rejected him" says Johnny as Dustin and Justin laugh themselves to tears.

"Really? who was this girl and what happened?" asked Charlie, Jacob's Dad and the last child of Xander James and Elizabeth James.

Jacob mumbled something under his breath and walked to the kitchen to avoid having this conversation. He wasn't sad or upset, it's just he's 6 ft 2, with brown eyes that looks red at times, athletic, handsome and very educated. Not to mention his personality is top tier.

Yeah he's conceited. the point is she just made him feel useless then total went off on him and he was just tryna help. He was not rejected his help was and it's just not a normal occurrence.

Let's just say he doesn't like rejection very well, in any form or type.

"How bad was it?" his sister Jaime asked.

"Well let's see, I met her in aunt Christy's shop, I was packing the shelves when she walked in and then..."

July 21 2017

Ashanti's POV

Today is Friday and I'm just buzzing with excitement. now I've been busting my ass off at the Dr's office I'm volunteering at, ugh! I'm reconsidering being a doctor.

Anyways I don't work on weekends and my family is having a small get together on the beach. Well now that I think about it, I'm kinda sad. My family and I are moving to Connecticut where most of my other family are, so I'm kinda not sad.

So here I am entering Water waves. It's a popular shack on the beach, its a variety and dinning lounge so it's got its own gaming center, shop and dinning area. The owner is really nice and good friends with my mom so she allowed us to rent out the dinning area for our get together and I'm just going to talk with her about some final preparations.

"Chris!" I shout while walking into the dinning area. "hey! no shouting, my head hurts as hell" says some dude he looks like he has a massive headache. well not my problem.

"then why are you shouting!? don't raise your voice at me!" ugh, "chris!" I shout once more walking pass this stranger, he blocks my entrance and scrunches up his face.

"okay, don't have to be so mean, I have a hangover and my aunt ain't in here"

"I'm not mean, where is she then I need to talk to her" I said

"what's your name? mine is Justin" he says with a smile, now he's all handsome and all but he done piss me off.

"none of your business, just tell me where Chris is" I replied

"okay meanie, I don't know" and he walked off, such an ass. Well then I'll just check the shop.

I walked over to the shop entering through the back door. "chris!"

"she's out getting some stuff for a party later today, come back in the next hour or so. Wait how did you get in we're closed"

I heard someone reply to me and walk around the other side of the aisle and crashed into this dude. "Oh God, you should really look up when you're walking ya know. Jesus can you tell her I stopped by the names Ashanti. Thanks" and I walked the way I came

I heard foot steps behind me and looked to see the same guy following me, ugh!

"The name's Jacob, nice to meet you, was so focus on stacking them shelves, sorry how can i help you though" he said "you can't" I said

"oh well are you sure, you look a bit frustrated and I'm willing to help especially a gorgeous girl such as yourself"

I blinked. Once. twice. "I'm not some damsel in distress. I said you can't so stop bothering me and go stack your damn shelves. I ain't your useless can food that need you to put me on some stupid shelf, so tell Chris I came. Or better yet don't I'll just come back later" I walked off.

"No need to be mean I was just tryna be helpful, and no you ain't no damsel sorry if it sounded that way. come on just tell me you never know" he looked at me with this really charming smile that he has.

inhale, exhale, okay. "It's about the party later" I replied. "Oh, um.. well, what ex.." I cut him off "you can't help and you've officially just wasted my time". I walked away.

Once I get to my car, I laid my head on the headrest and closed my eyes for a second. My reaction was so uncalled for but I could care less right now. should've just let me leave in peace.

July 23 2017

Jacob's POV

"that's what happened and I didn't go radio silence on them, I just didn't want to talk about it and they kept asking me"

"Well why didn't you just tell them since it's no big deal" Jaime answered. "No I never said it was no big deal, not that it was, its just you know how our family gets defensive and to top it, they were eavesdropping from the diner" I replied

"oh well she sounds like a.." "don't say it Angelina" I said to my other sister who was standing at the entrance of the kitchen. "sorry, glad you're back, I've missed you, Jaime is no fun" she said while hugging me. "I heard you and I am fun you just don't like my fun" Jaime retort.

"Well your fun consists of graffiti on walls and prank calling people dad's employees telling them they're fired" Angel retort then smacks my head as I was laughing my ass off.

"I can't believe you dud that without me Jaime" Angel roll her eyes and mumbles "I'm the only good thing in this family" which we heard and both gasps dramatically.

"every family has one of those, they are also considered the boring one" Angel jumped and they started smacking each other, "okay that's enough!" and they pulled apart.

"Let's have a family bonding bay!" says uncle Raymond. He's the eldest son and Child of my grandparents, he's also Dustin and Justin's dad.

"that will never be a thing, just let the idea go uncle Ray" that's my cousin Vanessa.

"Never!" he says while shooting her with a water gun and then all he'll break loose.

We all run to the maze outside and guns are being passed and water is being sprayed.

Family bonding Bay has begun... yeah after many years the name has grown on me.