If a pin was to be dropped over the neighbour's house, it could've been heard within the James' mansion. Thats right they're the James' starting from Xander and Elizabeth down to their 7 children and 10 grandchildren. Even the females after marriage would keep their last name and it was tradition that's gonna pass down through generations. Simply because they are a prominent family and they are proud of the name.
As they all process the fact that Zoey is pregnant, silence dances around the table. All utensils were dropped along with mouths.
"Well someone has to break it, so it might as well be me. Is it yours?" this was said by David, Jacob's cousin and Bill-Ray's son.
Bill is the 2nd eldest and 2nd son to Xander and Elizabeth.
Jacob stared at his cousin. Hard. "Well is it?" Jacob's mother asked. "is what it?" he replied to which Jaime slapped him at the back of his head saying "don't play dumb now, is the child yours is what we all wanna know".
Jacob sighed, "I don't know and we were in the middle of asking when she did some stupid shit and the Mall security asked us to leave and it just blew up and then she disappeared"
"who is we" asked Jaime
"what did she do" asked Elizabeth
"why the cop wanted you gone" asked Charlie
"what do you mean disappeared" asked Xander
"so that's what that was all about" said Dustin while rubbing his chin
"Um.. ugh..", "spit it out before I have to drag it out of you, mister." says his mother.
"okay well, we is Sylar and I. Zoey screamed for help said we wanted to beat her up the Mall cop came over Sylar told him I'm possibly the father and we wanted answers and he believed. But then Zoey started crying real hard that she doesn't know us, the cop asked us to leave because he believed her and then by the time you guys came over, Sylar and I realized Zoey left."
"that's why you guys were running all over the mall" says Gabriel his cousin. Gabriel is the daughter of Venice, 2nd daughter of Xander and Elizabeth and their 4th child.
Xander and Elizabeth have 7 children respectively. Raymond, Bill-Ray, Veronica, Venice, Vessa, Valianna and Charlie-Ray.
"yup" replies Jacob popping the 'p'.
"so, go over her house and talk to her or I don't know trap her so she gotta tell ya" says Jaime.
"is that even right?" Jacob asks "She is possibly bringing a James heir, we don't care if it's right" says Xander.
"there you go again making it sound as if we are royalty, this why people don't like us" Angel says while shaking her head and the family agrees.
"listen I'm just proud of our name and ancestors is all, it's simple pride" replies Xander.
"right, back on topic" says Elizabeth.
"Well I did technically do something like that" replies Jacob "and you make it look as if I'm the only bad apple" Jaime says.
"No I didn't, we're all bad apples here, but you definitely caused it, with yo bad influence self" Jacob mocks. "speak for yourself" Venessa retort and Angel nods.
"children the bickering" says Elizabeth rubbing her forehead. "can you guys stop acting as such and for once take something serious" she finishes.
"sorry" they say in unison.
"I'm going by her house, again, tomorrow so after tomorrow we'll know. I ain't leaving until I get an answer that is the truth" Jacob states afterwards.
"Well take David and Justin with you. Don't forget Jaime as well." says his mother.
"why I gotta take them" he asked
"the guys are to hold you in case your anger gets the best of you and Jaime is there to do what you can't and that's to hit a bi.." "don't. say. it" his mother says cutting his father off.
Charlie simply shuts his mouth and does the zipper gesture with his hand over his mouth.
"Well that's that, school starts in a couple weeks. How do you guys feel?" asks Vessa
"we have our wardrobes set" her daughter Cassie replies
"check" Gabriel says after.
Vessa waits a bit for other answers. She realizes none is coming so she then asks "wait that's it?"
"yup" all the teens reply in unison, then all chuckle
"what else should there be aunty" Katie says with a chuckle. she's the daughter of Valiana.
"I guess you guys are right, but I wanted to know how you guys feel? Like emotions" Vessa asks again.
"Ugh.. normal. how are we to feel. That question should be directed to the other student population because they'll be in our presence" replies Dustin.
"And that's why people don't like y'all" retorts Xander. The family all laughed.
The Following Day
"Zoey open up, I know you're home." Jacob shouts as he bangs and rings the bell at the front door. David and Justin were laughing at him and Jaime was plain annoyed.
Rolling her eyes, she moved all dweebs and her weak ass brother out the way, took her lock picker from her jeans pocket and picked the lock.
"bad influence self" mocks Justin. "Oh shut it" she says.
They walked in and Jacob beeline to Zoey's bedroom door. He knocked, no reply. he knocked again, nothing. He pulled the door and went to the connected bathroom where he saw a puddle of water by the door.
"Zoey?" he called while he walked slowly to the door.
"I'm in here" he hears a small voice answers. So he went straight inside. There he saw Zoey sitting in the tub filled with water, beads of sweat on her face and she's breathing uncontrollably. He rushes to her side.
"hey.. wha.." "It's coming. I can feel it. my water broke and I can't drive myself and my phones dead. I read that having baby in water is soothing so I did this and guess what I learnt." he opened his mouth to ask just as his sister and cousin barges in.
"what's going on here?" Jaime asks.
"Zoey's water broke and the baby is coming" Jacob replies.
" we're gonna have to take the thing out ourselves" David says.
"she's not a thing!" Zoey screams
"like he'll we are" Jaime states
"owwwwwwww" Jacob cries while Zoey had a death grip on his shoulder blades.
"listen here Zoey, I never liked you but I sure as hell not gonna let my niece be brought into this world by these dweebs. So, shut those legs, keep that breathing exercise. Dweebs get her out the tub. Be gentle. Jacob get the damn car."
they all stared at her
"Let's go people. Move!" Jaime exclames and so they did move.