Chapter 7: Welcome to the Hood

Ashanti's POV

It's been a week since we've been staying at the penthouse and let me just say this, AWE TO THE SOMEEEEEEE!

I'm currently by the pool on the balcony. We leave in two days. My happiness is always short lived. Sigh.

"What's wrong sweet pea?" my mother asks as she sits by me rubbing my knee. "I don't wanna leave" I whined. My mother pouts and responds "Me either". We both chuckle.

"But we have to. This isn't a home, well home is wherever the heart is and you know, you, your siblings and your dad is my heart. It's just.. this isn't my style, that and the fact that I think your dad's boss might want him to pay something if we do decide on staying" my mom went on

"It's fine, I get it mom. I honestly do. I can't wait to go to our 'home'." I reply, which she smiles and get up saying she's gonna make some dinner.


"welcome to tha hoooodddd.." Shaday and Omari sing as we were driving through our neighborhood to our new house. Now mind you this ain't no 'hood' as you think. They just like the song and think it's good to make an impression by playing loud music alerting the neighborhoodof our arrival. Which I believe is the wrong way to make a first impression or atleast a good one.

Mom and dad are with the movers already at home and we are to meet them there. We went to go pick up Omari's car which we are currently sitting in. It's a 2016 silver Chevrolet. Pretty nice. Shaday and I, we have our license but we don't have a car and we are okay with that. We can just ask Omari to bring us everywhere and he doesn't complain. My siblings and I are pretty close so we call it bonding and he's already grabbing his keys.

So here we are listening to music and singing off tune. Yeah I joined in too, it was pretty hard not too.

"This is a pretty nice neighborhood. I wonder if there's any hot girls around" Omari thinks aloud.

"And hot guys. right sis" Shaday says after drawing me in. Ugh! nope, nah, nada. I will not be having this conversation.

"Hey! leave her out of it. You know she's the baby, no going around having any boyfriends now." Omari reply to Shaday.

"that's right I forgot. Sorry sis" Shaday smiles at me.

"You guys are so annoying. We are the same age. We're triplets you know. I'm no baby and I will get myself a boyfriend if I want to!" I snap at both of them.

"Aww, is tha baby upset. I think she needs her bottle or did baby make a poopie" Shaday teases which cause both her and my brother to laugh.

I roll my eyes and look out the window ignoring both their stupid asses. I've never had a boyfriend. My dad and brother scare anyone with interest. My sister and my mother are like the cops, they're the ones who be telling them if I like a guy or if a guy likes me. Doesn't make any sense because we're all the same age and Shaday has had 2 boyfriends before.

"Holy..." "Crap"

The car stops suddenly and my siblings have their chins touching the ground.

"what!? what are you guys...." Well damn. When I look at what they were looking at my chin was twinning with theirs right now.

We stopped infront a 12ft high gate and from here it's acres of land with what I believe is a big ass mansion. It's painted gold and white and what can I say It's beautiful.

David's POV

Those jerks left me in the house alone. I love the peace and quiet but it's creepy being in this big ass mansion by yourself hearing all sorts of noises. I texted Vennessa, she says they're at the park and Jacob went to the hospital.

So here I am heading to the park. It's close by so I plan on walking. As I stepped through the smaller gate within our Hella big gold gate, I'm met with a silver Chevrolet stopped in front with 3 people inside. Mouths just about catching every fly that passes. I laugh to myself then head over to the car. They must be new.

"It's better on the inside. Trust me" I say as I lean on the passengers side. It was enough to wake them out of their shock but in the process the boy driving the vehicle stepped off break causing the car to move a little. I almost fell.

"Oh my.. man I'm sorry. You gave me a scare." He says.

"It's no problem. My bad" I reply

"Yea it was." the girl in the passengers seat reply with alot of sass. I was gonna make some smart ass comment but I saw her and I wanted her to be mine.

"yes it was. Maybe I can make it up to you guys one day. Maybe show you the interior" I replied

"You live here?" the girl in the back says. Damn these girls are beautiful.

"yes I do, with my family. Speaking of family, I gotta go. See you guys around" I say then jog off in the direction of the park.

About 3 houses down I saw a moving van. Didn't know we had new neighbour's. Oh maybe it's gonna be their house. Hmmm...

Zoey's POV

"Hello daddy's little princess, how are you doing today? Good. Yeah, daddy is great actually as I am every day I see you my little princess" that's Jacob. He's been here ever since she was born. He sleeps here too, finally convinced him to leave yestersay for the night and he did but then he was right back here first thing in the morning.

Honestly it makes me happy that he's here and the little voices he uses to talk with our daughter makes me so emotional.

"I love you sooo much. Daddy loves you so so much" he says gently kissing her cheek

Did I mention he loves kissing her cheek and he says he loves her almost every second. He's gonna be a great dad I know it.

"Hey" Dr V comes in, yes Jacob's aunt.

"Hi" I reply

"Well I got all the results back for baby Zavia and Dr Reynolds says she's clear to come home in 2 days. Waiting on her to poop again and 2 more nights of sleeping without any laboured breathing." She informed us

"Did you hear that little one, you can come home in 2 days" I say to my baby girl and she just stares at me like she knows.

"Thank you aunty. I can finally take her home with us." Jacob states but I just looked up at him with a raised eye brow.

"Who's us" I asked

"My family" He replies

"Oh well sorry to inform you but the baby will be living with me." I state as a matter of factly.