Chapter 19: Come to me

Chapter 19: Come to me

"Is he awake?"

"No, I don't think so. Do you think he will wake up soon?"

"Who will tell him about the casualty? It was fatal, right?"

"He just ran into a burning building to save someone he doesn't know"

"He is a hero but it's so sad, it didn't turn out well"

Jason couldn't make out the voices of those that conversed around him. He only knew they were saying things he didn't want to hear. Did he hear correctly about a casualty?

Jason tried to open his eyes but he was too tired to. He must be heavily sedated. He simply drifted back to sleep. At least there, he was safe with the woman he loves sitting on top of a borrowed impala talking about their future. In his dreams, McKenna never asked him to go back to Malawi.

The next time Jason became aware of his environment he was able to open his eyes. The first thing he saw was the bag of saline that was flowing through the IV to his body and then the white bandages over his chest and back.

"There you are, Mr. Rich man hero"

The voice sounded familiar. Jason's foggy mind tried to place the voice but it was more difficult than he expected. He decided to use his eyes and it worked well for him. It was good to see a familiar face. Jason smiled weakly at her. it was his doctor.

"Dr Alyssa"

Jason was happy to see the young doctor who saved his best friend's life when he got stabbed. Jason looked around to be sure he wasn't in the same motel; they stayed during Chike's recovery. It wasn't. It was a hospital.

All of a sudden, the memory of what happened played out in Jason's mind and intense panic surged through his entire body as he jerked up immediately, almost startling his doctor.

"Nolani! Where is she?" Without waiting for a reply, Jason tried to pull out his IV drip from his arm but Dr Alyssa stopped him.

"Nolani is fine, Jason. You need to rest and heal" She tried to get him to lie down back but he refused.

"Don't lie to me, Alyssa. I heard some people talking earlier in my room about a fatal casualty… I-is my girl alive?"

"Nobody died in the fire, if that is what you are asking Jason. And Nolani is alright. Luckily, your body took most of the impact. You protected her, Jason. You saved the little girl's life" Dr Alyssa was beyond surprised.

She admired the man now and not that she thought he was a bad man before. Alyssa simply figured he was incapable of making such huge sacrifices but he surprised her and a lot of other people.

"Take me to her. I need to see for myself. I have to keep my promise to her, please"

"Okay, Jason. Since it doesn't appear like I can talk you out of visiting her, at least wait for me while I get a wheelchair to take you there"

"I am paralyzed now, Alyssa?"

"No, your legs are fine. But you need to conserve your energy. Wait here"

"What room is she in? I won't wander off on my own; I promise"

"108. Stay put"

As soon as Dr. Alyssa left. Jason took out his IV drip. Even though he could feel the sting of pain as he pulled the shirt over his head, he did anyway.

He saw a pair of disposable slippers on top of the table and he just took it. It was tight on his feet but he wore it anyway. Jason just knew he had to see Nolani and see for himself that she was okay and not dead. He had no idea what to do if the little girl was dead.

Five minutes later and he was standing at the front of room 108 in the children's ward. He knocked softly and entered without waiting to be asked inside.

The first person he came face to face with was Naya. She was sitting on an armchair close to the small children's bed.

"Naya?" Jason called out softly.

"Jason! Dr. Alyssa was supposed to call me when you regained consciousness" Naya stood up and hugged him but Jason winced from the pain "sorry. Did the doctor say you could walk around?"


"No, I didn't"

"Dr Alyssa! Hmmm....sorry, I couldn't wait"

"I understand, Jason but you need to take care of your injuries too" Dr. Alyssa could tell that his wellbeing was the last thing on Jason's mind.

"How is Nolani? Can I see her?" Jason went around Naya to make himself comfortable on the armchair. He pulled it closer so he could see the little girl's face without straining himself.

"Hi, sweetheart. You will be okay. You are alright" Jason turned to ask the two women in the room some questions "has she opened her eyes, yet?"

"Staying awake is not a problem for Nolani, it is sleeping. She keeps waking up crying. I try to hold her and sooth her but so far nothing has worked. Alyssa had to sedate her so she can get some rest" Naya explained.

"How long was I out?" Jason demanded.

"The accident happened yesterday, so just a few hours" Naya answered.

"Jason, you are lucky. I have no idea how you survived the roof collapse with just second degree burns. It's nothing more than a miracle" Dr Alyssa informed him.

Jason touched Nolani's face. She looked so fragile and small lying on the big bed. He inspected the upper part of her body that wasn't covered by the blanket and he didn't see any visible injury.

"Does Nolani have any major burns?" Jason inquired

"No… Just a few scraps and first degree burn. Nothing that won't heal with time, thanks to you but she is traumatized" Dr Alyssa checked Nolani's temperature as she talked.

He was so relieved that he let out a breath.

"Veronica just left a few minutes ago. She called your mother yesterday..."

"She did what? Why didn't you stop her? I am a grown man; I don't need my mother hovering over me"