Chapter 23: Liar Liar

Chapter 23: Liar Liar

"Two years? The damage to the building will take eternity to fix"

"Well you have two years to do it and return to Nigeria or I am freezing your accounts and yes, your personal accounts included. The way you are spending my money, you will bankrupt me soon"

Jason looked puzzled and surprised at the words coming out of Elixir's mouth.

"Your money? You stopped giving me money when I turned eighteen and you forced me to be financially independent. I opened my business and I have been catering for myself, ever since"

Elixir thought about it for a minute or two and then she added "wow, that was great parenting on my part and it means all your money is still mine. Come back to Nigeria in two years and settle down or you will be penniless, Jason"

"But you just told me that you love me" Jason had a confused expression. He knew Elixir wasn't kidding.

"I do. It has nothing to do with my decision. Now, come and introduce me to my granddaughter. Nolani, I can give money to her at least until she turns eighteen"


Five months later

"I don't understand a word you are saying. It's been five months already" Jason yelled over the phone.

His eyebrows scrunched together with his lips tighten. He rubbed his tensed jaw to know whether it would levitate the tightness he felt there. If the person on the other end of the call was in the room he would see Jason's hostile glare and his nostrils would most definitely flare up.

"Do I need to fire you before you understand how important this is to me, Mr. Jeremy?'Cos if you can't do your job then what am I paying you for?" With his face contorted with rage and with a million things to do, Jason placed the call on speaker and dropped it on the bed.

"Mr. Ekoh-Yagazie, there is no record whatsoever for Nolani in the orphanage. Without any documentation, I can't proceed with any adoption process in Malawi"

Jason stopped midway to the wardrobe to grab a shirt. He turned and picked up the phone.

"Why didn't you say that earlier? Why keep something so important from me?" Jason's lip curled up as he spoke.

"Because the Orphanages manager, Mrs. Veronica keeps reassuring me that she will fax it to me"

"I guess, I have to have a word with Veronica now, don't I? Goodbye Mr. Jeremy and next we talk, you better have good news for me"

Jason ended the call and pulled a shirt over his head. He chose comfortable shoes to wear and he grabbed his car keys. Ever since his room burned down, he had been staying in a rented apartment in Lilongwe but Nolani had to return to the Orphanage since legally he was not her father yet.

Jason hated staying away from her. it was why he commissioned a five bedroom bungalow inside the orphanage, that way she would live with him without leaving her friends behind.

Twice a week, he would make the long drive from Lilongwe to Nsanje to see her and check on the progress of the building.

It was evening, when Jason drove inside the Orphanage. The long drive did nothing to sooth his anger.

As soon as he alighted he came face to face with John, one of the orphans. The young boy was happy to see him. Jason made a mental note, to get him a birthday gift next week since eighteen was a big deal. His mother had threw the biggest party for him and soon afterward told him, he was officially financially independent. Jason had used the money he inherited from his grandparents to start his own business. It was a huge sum and he barely used half of it.

Jason continued his journey to Veronica's office. He knocked loudly and waited patiently to be asked in. Jason believes everyone was entitled to privacy and it was why he always waits to be asked inside.

"Mr. Ekoh-Yagazie, I hope there is no problem"

"Hello Veronica. I am guessing that by now, you know I am planning on adopting Nolani. I came to find out why you are hell bent on preventing that from happening. Care to explain?"

Jason made himself comfortable on the chair opposite Veronica's. He crossed his legs and relaxed further into the chair. He plans to get the truth and he wasn't going to leave until he did.

Veronica looked nervous. The way she swallowed her saliva was obvious plus she couldn't hold Jason's gaze for more than five seconds.

"I am still looking for her documents, Sir"

Jason leaned further, his fist clenched but well hidden under the table and rolled his shoulders back, glaring at Veronica "Care to say that again?"

Veronica's heart raced in her chest as she looked at Jason. She willed her hand to stop shaking but it wouldn't. She placed them under the table to hide how she was feeling. There was no need hiding the truth anymore. She was almost definitely going to lose her job, now but she could at least keep the promise she made to someone a few years ago.

"There is no documentation on Nolani. I am sorry" she answered truthfully at last.

Letting out a huge breath, Veronica felt her stiff posture loosen; it felt good to tell the truth. Ever since the inquiry into Nolani started, she hadn't slept a wink. It was just endless hours of tossing on the bed and having dreams she couldn't interpret. Veronica has always being a truthful person, lying was never her strong suit and she avoided it unless it was absolutely necessary. She wanted to tell Jason everything but it wasn't her story to tell and she refused to be bullied by a boy no matter how justify his anger towards her might be. She relaxed further into her chair.

"I am still waiting on an explanation"