Chapter 28: Promises

Chapter 28: Promises


McKenna had always wondered why he had simply stopped trying to get back together with her for almost two and half years and now she knew. It was because of Kara. Jason had chosen Kara over her and she had no idea how to feel about it. 

McKenna pushed the disturbing thoughts to the back of her head. They had a jet to catch and a new stepdaughter to meet. Yay!

Jason and McKenna raced to the airport to catch a flight to Malawi on their private jet. Jason kept looking at her wristwatch.

"We will get there on time, Jason"

"I hope so. I promised Kara I will be there for her presentation. I can't be the father that breaks his word to his little girl"

"We will make it"

But Jason knew he was not going to make it in time. He hated that his kid was in another country and her mother won't let her come to Nigeria until she was thirteen years old. He wondered what Kara was doing in that moment.
