Chapter 32: Give me Kara! How dare you!

Chapter 32: Give me Kara! How dare you!

Jason closed the door to Kara's room but not before he watched her for a minute or two. Her little body safely tucked inside the blanket. She was taking a nap after a well deserved meal and bath.

Now, he was finding it difficult to let her out of his sight, except it was impossible to keep watch over her every minute of the day not when she was a world away from him.

No. He had to do something. He has to convince Naya to let him take her.

In Nigeria, she will be safe. He can watch over her there. He can protect his girl there.

Kara stirred softly. Jason wanted to go to her but it suddenly occurred to him that he hasn't seen his wife in hours and it was almost dark.

"Good night, sleepy head"