Chapter 39: The uncle I almost killed

Chapter 39: The uncle I almost killed

"Kara!" Jason called out again as soon as he heard what Chike yelled to him.

"Daddy!" Kara dropped the stun gun and came out from the bar. She followed the sound of the voice until she saw him.

He was standing at the middle of the Jet calling out her name severally. A broad smile first appeared on her face as relief flooded her little body.

For a moment, she thought Kane had found her when she felt something hit her leg while she had mistakenly dozed off inside her hiding spot.

She simply did what her mama taught her. She placed the plastic stun gun at the only place within her reach that could hurt her attacker. She did as she was told and set the electrical current to the highest.

Mama told her it was the surest way to incapacitate her attacker. Kara had no idea she was electrocuting her favorite uncle.