Chapter 41: Welcome home

Chapter 41: Welcome home

Jason drove them home. Kara dozed off midway to their home. He may not have remembered a child car seat but he made sure she was secured with a seat belt in the back.

Chike relaxed while he drove. Jason's phone pinged and he was tempted to check it. He has texted Naya severally but he got no reply.

He wanted to check it but he fought the urge. He wasn't about to risk the life of the tiny human in his car by doing something as irresponsible as checking his text while he drove Chike's car.

But making his friend do it was fair game.


"I am trying to sleep. Stop talking to me"

"Chike, I got a text on my phone"


"No. I mean read it for me"

Chike opened his eyes and took his phone. It was password protected. Jason waited for Chike to ask him about the password but he never did.