Chapter 46: You just blew up my world

Chapter 46: You just blew up my world

Jason picked up his phone. He needed to call someone. Someone that can make dinner for Kara and tuck her in without sobbing like a child. Someone that can do all that for his baby girl without failing miserably at it. 

Jason knew it couldn't be him. The little girl was smart and the last thing she needed was feel responsible for breaking up his marriage. 

It would be too much responsibility for anyone let alone a six year old who was recently uprooted from the only country she ever knew to another country.

He could never do that to a child he loves and so he picked up his phone and he dialed Chike's phone. He would have called his mother but he wasn't ready for a million questions and Elixir was out of the country anyway.

"Hey, man. Hmm..." Jason cleared the fog at the back of his throat and forged ahead with his request "I need...I need you to the house. I need you to take care of Kara"