[Bonus chapter]Chapter 50: Daddy won't see

Chapter 50: Daddy won't see 

"Thank you... for coming to the airport to welcome her"

"She is my mother in law, Jason. There is no thanks necessary"

Jason placed both his hands in his pocket and smiled. "Thanks, anyway. I will be going home soon. Would you like me to drop you at Elena's?" 

Mckenna hated the way she was feeling. She was sad and miserable and he was playing it cool. He seemed fine and it hurt her more than anything. She was barely keeping it together and he seemed fine. 

"I will take a cab. It's not a big deal" Mckenna answered.

Jason turned and started walking towards the mansion when Mckenna spoke.

"Jason, I miss you okay?"

Jason stopped and looked at her, his face was blank "I didn't walk out, Mckenna...you did. So why are you telling me this?"