Chapter 72: Things we do for love

Chapter 72: Things we do for love

"You think you can bargain, don't you? Show that you are the big intimidating rich guy and I will crap my pants. Maybe run away with my tail in between my legs, right superman?" 

Kane copied a video clip and sent it to his social media.

"You should check your WhatsApp, Jason. I just sent something that might interest you" Kand told him over the phone.

"Oh my God!" Jason screamed.

It was a video clip of Kane slapping Kara so hard that she fell.

Kane had installed a camera in the place he was holding Kara, so he could watch her in his absence.

Up until that moment, Jason believed it might be a prank call or something. This clip showed that it was not.

"You hit my daughter!" He yelled at him.