Chapter 76: TIme to fight 2

Chapter 76: Time to fight 2

Mckenna honked twice when she got to the Donna house. This was the first time since she was seventeen she was entering Donna's residence.

Mckenna kept checking her wristwatch. She had less than an hour to the designated time to get the money to Kane. The gate opened and she drove in.

"Follow me, the money is in Jackson's safe" Joan said and got down from the car.

Mckenna followed her to Jackson's room. 


Mckenna was speechless. She was never nice to the girl or made an attempt to get to know her yet she was risking her marriage to help her.

Joan spared her glance but not for long. She walked into her closet and came out with a suitcase.

"Jackson has a rainy day fund inside a safe. I am hoping it up to 2 million dollars" 

Joan dropped the suitcase on the bed and took off the painting of paradise on the wall to reveal a safe.