Chapter 84: Custody

Chapter 84: Custody

Elena smiled as she checked her face in the mirror. There were smudges of lipstick on her face which she wiped off.

Nobody would guess that beneath the coat she was currently wearing that she was almost naked. It was a birthday gift. It was Chike's birthday and she wanted to spice things up.

She had seen it in movies numerous times, where a girl shows up at her boyfriend's house wearing a coat but utterly naked inside and she wasn't as crazy as Mckenna but she thought she would give it a try.

It was almost six in the evening and she drove from her house to Chike's apartment without calling him first. It wouldn't be a surprise if she did.

When she got there, his gateman told her Chike was inside.

Elena entered his house using her key, he wasn't in the sitting room or the gym. The only place that made sense was the bedroom, which worked out great for her.