Chapter 91: When it rains

Chapter 91: When it rains

"Keep your right hand higher, bean" Jason told his daughter.

Kara raised her right hand higher than her left and she punched the bag her father was holding.

It's been almost two weeks since she started kickboxing with her father. She liked it and she practiced with him at home while her sensei taught her moves four times a week.

"Nice punch baby girl" Mckenna said from the chair she was sitting on.

Kara smiled and tried out her kick too.

"Mom, come and join us!" Kara invited Mckenna.

Mckenna took out her left hand to examine her nails "Nah, I am going to take a rain check on that. I am not breaking a finger. Time's up, guy. You have dinner with your aunt, Kara"

Kara still kept her hands up. "Five more minutes, Umma, I just need to kick this bag out of Dad's hand"

Kara tried three more times before she was able to.