Chapter 111: A step ahead.

Chapter 111: A step ahead.

Elixir watched with a neutral expression and keen eyes as her son came out of her ex-husband's house.

"Took you long enough, Jason" she murmured to herself.

Elixir reckoned it was a good thing that he wasn't drunk or out of his mind with anger. She really thought he would confront his father sooner but he waited until he was clear headed.

Or maybe because of the argument he and Tamara were trying to hide from her.

She waited until he got into his car and drove off before she came down from her car. She was wearing her jean with a leather jacket that gave her the gangster look except gangsters don't have an apple and a pen knife like Elixir did.

She wasn't about to miss a healthy snack because of James.

Elixir made her way into his compound, well technically it was hers since it was paid for with her money.