Chapter 118: What is love 2?

Chapter 118: What is love 2?

Mckenna held the plate of ice chips in left hand while she rubbed her forehead with her right. She was simply worried and it has nothing to do with Kara.

 She was supposed to start her prenatal care this week and it didn't feel right going without Jason and now she has to figure out how to tell him, in the same breath she has to explain why she kept it from him.

It was enough to make anyone stressed and since stress wasn't good for the baby, strangely her attempt not to be stressed out only made her stress the more.

She opened the door to her daughter's room and she saw Naya. Mckenna didn't mean to overhear their conversation but she did.

"I want mommy" 

"Kara, I am here" Naya answered.

"No, you are Mama not mommy. I want Umma! It hurts!" Kara tried to touch her surgery site but Mckenna's voice stopped.