Chapter 133: Perfection…it's a wedding everyone.

Chapter 133: Perfection…it's a wedding everyone.

Mckenna stood in front of the full size mirror. She felt nervous and excited at the same time. She rubbed her tummy for comfort. And she went back to staring at her reflection.

Before Elixir entered the big room, it was too quiet. She had been expecting squeals from the bridesmaids who arrived earlier to the mansion. They were McKenna's friends from school in Canada, Jade and Emy.

It was too quiet. Bridesmaids were supposed to scream in excitement and speak in loud voices. So she opened the door and she entered. She froze too.

Elixir realized she was caught in the web of silence as she stared at Mckenna. She was absolutely breathtaking and starring in awe with tears in her eyes was the only way to go.