Chapter138: Funny no more

Chapter: Funny no more

(With the Governorship election officially ending a few hours ago, INEC has declared Elixir Yagazie as the first female governor in Nigeria. After what seems to….)

"Your mother won! She won!" Chike's voice was laced with excitement.

Jason felt his pride grow with each passing moment. He was proud of the woman that raised him.

"Of course, she did. There was never a doubt before" Jason said and shook his friend's hand.

"I can't believe you are the governor's son…wow! It's surreal" 

Then it finally dawned on Jason what his future was going to look like now. It was the unspoken rule of the Yagazie family, the child must surpass the parent in everything.

 "Oh crap! Now, I have to be president before 48 years of age. Thanks Mom!" Jason stood up from the place he sat and took his car keys. He needed to get home and celebrate with his family.