Chapter 162: Horses and labor

Chapter 162: Horses and labor

Chike made his way to the front and stood in front of him.

"What are you doing here, Yagazie?"

"I need you to come back home, Chike. We all need you to" 

"You guys are all better off without me. Go home, Jason" 

Chike turned around to leave.

"You are my family and family do not abandon each other. Plus, I am not allowed to go back home without you and I've got a pregnant wife and my mom is getting married next week. So I need you to come home"

"Why?" Chike asked him.

 "Because you are my brother, my family and my best friend hell, you are my only friend and I love you, Chike. I should have said it years ago. I don't know why I didn't but I have never hidden the fact that you are important to me. So, come back home with me"

Chike smiled. He was smiling like a lunatic that a lover chased down to the airport under the rain to profess love to him. "It took you long enough!"