Chapter  169: Do you want me?

Chapter 169: Do you want me?

"Sorry. Don't judge me too much, I know he broke my heart and abandoned me when I needed him the most but he is Chike and I love him, McKenna, and I am going to marry him" Elena told her.

"I could never judge you, Ellie and who am I to point fingers after the rocky road love story Jason and I had. If you are happy then I am happy, babe"McKenna squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"Do you really think Jason cheated on you?" Elena asked her.

"God no! Dude couldn't cheat on me when he had amnesia. Of course I know he did nothing wrong but that doesn't mean my heart didn't break just a little seeing him with another woman"

Elena squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"Talk to me, MK" 

McKenna turned to face her best friend, the only person she could tell her fears out loud without being judged.