Chapter 205: Now, she hates you

Chapter 205: Now, she hates you

Mckenna blinked and opened her eyes. At first slowly because of the blinding light but then she adjusted.

"Are you okay?" Jason asked her.

He wasn't even concerned about himself. He was feeling woozy. He heard a bell two bells, they were ringing nonstop in his, it was like a buzz, a loud bee buzz that won't give him a moment to rest. He blinked and tried to focus.

"Why am I wet? Jas, Why?!" Mckenna was still battling with confusion.

Jason looked around and nothing made sense. Again with the buzzing in his ears, in his nostrils and in his throat.

He ignored it. And focused on Naya in front of him but he also had to keep an eye on Mckenna, she was beginning to close her eyes again.

"Oma!" He screamed at her.

"Okay...I am awake, no need to yell!"

"Good…good… open your eyes baby. Keep your eyes open"

Mckenna opened them.